Goran E Larsson (Stockholm) is the founder and Managing Director of Eddaconsult AB, a boutique management consulting firm serving high-tech and media clients in need of temporary management-for-hire assistance. Please see www.eddaconsult.se. Goran E Larsson also serves as chair and non-executive director at various corporate and foundation boards in Scandinavia.

Goran E Larsson has a military intelligence, technology and shipping background and speaks Russian, Swedish, English, French, German and Spanish. He has an MBA degree from the Stockholm School of Economics and a Master's degree in Engineering Physics from the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH). Goran E Larsson is engaged by Rosencrantz & Co on a part-time basis in a specialist capacity for selected client assignments. He also serves on the board of Rosencrantz & Co AB, the Swedish subsidiary of Rosencrantz & Co Ltd.

Contact: goran@rosencrantzandco.com +46 (0) 705 656869